
Le Calife

This is how you start your Paris Vacation! Everyone who asks I give them the same advice. Try to arrive in the morning drop your bags go straight to Sacre Coeur and Montmartre for lunch. Stay awake if dealing with jet lag!!! That first night go to dinner on the riverboat cruise La Calife. The food is perfection and has never disappointed. The customer service gets the highest rating. Every time we go and everyone we send agrees that the experience is worth it. See Paris at night as you cruise the Siene. Have an aperitif and get settled in to be swept away. First you will go past Notre Dame then after turning around you will cruise all the way down to the Eiffel Tower seeing every building and bridge along the way all while being served and catered to. The captain will time the pass of the Eiffel Tower just as it begins to sparkle. As you turn around to head back to the dock you will see the Ile Aux Cygnes which showcases the Statue de la Liberte. 

This is an excellent date night activity but they welcome groups and children too. You can walk outside to take pictures and the staff will also play photographer for you. The traditional barge makes you really feel like you are experiencing Paris.

Please visit them at:

First things first, take the metro to the viewing platform first. This is super important for the flow of your experience. Use the metro stop Trocadero. The metro lines 6 and 9 both stop here and will give you direct access to the viewing platform. This will put you in perfect position to observe the tower from afar and get those perfect pics that include the entire monument.

From here you can begin to walk down the beautiful stairs and gardens enjoying the view. On a sunny day you can even stop and sit in the grass which is perfect especially if you don’t plan to travel to the top of the tower.

If you’re traveling with kids or you’re just young at heart you will love the carousels along the river as you cross the bridge over the Siene to get to the base of the tower.

Each time I have been security has been different. I recommend walking around the base to the east side if you need a restroom break before you get in line. Once through the security line you will then need to get tickets if you do not already have them. I will go over some options below if you want to plan ahead. 

Once you’re ready to go up, get in the correct line. There are four elevators at the base of each tower leg and depending on what they have operating will depend which line you need to be in. This will take you to the lower viewing area. If you plan to go to the tip top there is another elevator with another line and a separate ticket to do so. I do recommend going to the top if you have the time, especially if it is your first or only visit you are making to the tower. 

Before you go decide whats important to you. Does it need to be viewed within a time period? Are you willing to walk up some stairs? Do you plan to go to the top? How much are you willing to spend? 

I recommend the 3 best methods and all of them mean knowing the security protocols before you go so you don’t take things that will make the process more difficult.

1. Make a reservation in advance to eat dinner or lunch at The Jules Verne. It isn’t the cheapest way but what an experience. A one Michelin star restaurant you will be treated to a quality dinner experience and be given the easiest possible path to get to the second level. They have a private elevator. After dinner the wait for the elevator to the third floor will not seem so long. Enjoy the views of the city. Make sure to purchase the elevator ticket to the top if you want to go from the second to the third level.

2. Have your tickets purchased in advance through the website. They guarantee the best ticket price and they are timed tickets to help with the wait times. You can purchase 4 different options… All the way to the top, only to the second level, stairs to second level and elevator to top, or just stairs to second level.

FYI:  I personally like the stair option then elevator to the top. It adds something to the experience to do the work to get there. If it is the busy season you can save time but the heat will be rough and if it’s winter the stairs are a way to stay warm. No your group abilities and desires though. Nothing worse then having a member who doesn’t want to or can’t do the stairs. If walking up isn’t for you but you want the experience use the stairs on the way down!

Please visit them at:


Eiffel Tower
Musee D'Orsay


Please visit them at:



Please visit them at:

Sacre Coeur & Montmartre
Moulin Rouge

Please visit them at:

Please visit them at:

Luxembourg Gardens

Please visit them at:

The Official Site is only offered in French but you will be able to see  up-to-date information about hours and the map of the park. 

Please visit them at:

Notre Dame
Arc de Triomphe

Seeing the Arc for the first time was a pretty amazing experience as I had studied French in school and this seemed to be the moment of realization that I was getting to experience all the cultural lessons that I had previously only been exposed to in a classroom setting. The first time I visited we came out of the Metro and there right in front of my eyes this huge monument. It is stunning. The size of it alone is fantastic but then you start to notice the busy roundabout and all the people and how it is really the climax of what is behind you. Turn around and see the Champs-Elysées leading you all the way down to the Louvre. For a city street it is spectacular. The shopping and the restaurants will keep you busy for hours.

Under the Arc is the tomb of the unknown soldier. To go see the eternal flame just take the walking tunnel on the north side of the street. If you want to go up on the top a ticket can be purchased on site or online before you go. After about 280 steps you will have beautiful views of the city.

If you want a more adventurous tour of the Arc de Triomphe drive the roundabout. It is an experience you will never forget.

If you are a runner the Paris marathon is great way to see the entire city but lining up on the Champs-Elysées you will get to enjoy the monument as you wait for the start to begin.

Please visit them at:

Cote d'Azur
