I love to travel! It is what we do with any extra time or money. I travel solo, with friends, and as a family of 4. I have 2 boys who are currently 7 and 9 years old. As of today I have lived in or visited 35 countries.

I am American and was born in Kentucky but I grew up in Indiana. As an adult I have also lived in Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, California, and Massachusetts.  I have traveled and explored a total of 41 U.S. states. My wife and 2 children  have lived 3 years in Luxembourg which allowed us to travel 19 european countries.

This website is designed to be an on going place to document our travels. If you use the menu at the top you can explore our favorite things around the world. If you click on the four category buttons in the carousel you can see all the places that have fulfilled the expectations of that category; either relaxation, adventure, family, or culture. Obviously all our trips are about trying to find the SWEET SPOT. It is that place where all the categories meet and you get the perfect blend. For me that is what I’m trying to achieve with every trip. It doesn’t always happen and thats OK. At the bottom of this page you will find two links to the blog and the photograph/videography page. The blog will be an entertaining place to talk about travel related topics and the photo/video page will be a place to put all the images that show off the beautiful world through my eye at the time. I am not a professional photographer.

I hope this helps you gain all of the wonderful benefits of travel that it has provided me and my family. 

Now go Travel!


The Sweet Spot Traveler Blog

Lets talk travel! All topics could be included in here. Learn about camper van expexperiences or how to travel to find your ancestors. Although I travel with kids more than I travel with friends or by myself I will probably stay away from all topics about car seats, especially on planes.

Photography and Videography

No pictures of people in here! Get inspired with the beauty of the world. All pics are taken with an  iPhone camera or GoPro Camera. Most have been cropped and/or resized. I do edit some of them to try to make the picture look like what my eye is seeing in the real world. 

The Sweet Spot Traveler is new and still under construction. Please fill free to explore as I continue building enough content and then edit the entire thing. I will have an official launch when I fill it is ready. To date I am dropping pics in the photo and videography section and I am writing content for each country I have been to. I will turn the button to grey once I have content inserted into that page. If the button is black I have not built the page yet or added any content. I am currently in New Zealand so the most recent content will be from here. The links to social media accounts are also active. I am not officially working the accounts but you could like a page so you will receive updates as I prepare for the official launch!